01275 833699

In the name of Jesus: Welcomed, Loved , Sent


In short, there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love. (J1 Corinthians 13:13)

Getting married is one of the most significant steps in anyone’s life. Whether considering getting married or indeed having a marriage blessed, the Church encourages us to take time to reflect on what is at the heart of a successful marriage - true love for one another.

Two people make vows to each other to remain exclusively together for the rest of their lives, “for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health,” until death. Here in our family of parishes, we want to help make your wedding day as perfect as possible. Please get in touch for more details about how we can help, preferably before booking any other venues.

As Catholics, we believe that marriage is at the heart of God’s plan of us. The Bible tells us how God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and gave them the gift of marriage, commanding them to ‘go forth and multiply’. Jesus himself blessed the couple at Cana on their wedding day with one of his first miracles. He also said that what God has joined together no one should divide. These Bible passages help us understand that Marriage is sacred and that God intends it to be a source of new life, with the gift of children.

The Catholic Church’s understanding of marriage is that it is a unique, indissoluble partnership between one man and one woman, in mutual and lasting fidelity and open to the possibility of bringing children into the world. All those getting married in a Catholic Church must have the same understanding of marriage as the Church, even if they are not Catholics themselves. It is because the Church attaches such importance to marriage, both for the couple themselves and for society as a whole, that she is concerned that couples intending to marry are adequately prepared, and understand what it is to which they are committing.

Over four sessions, couples explore the aspects of married life that lay the foundations for their future life together. It is a wonderful time of growing together, understanding each other’s hopes and dreams for the marriage, and in finding a united approach now to some of the challenges that may arise.

As part of this, couples are also encouraged to attend a Marriage Care preparation day, from which we have had great feedback no matter how long the couple have been together.

Our sincere prayer is to help prepare you for a fulfilled and happy marriage, not just the day itself.

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